Monday, January 4, 2010

So here goes...

So like many of you, I started this new year with some resolutions:  get organized, lose weight, travel, etc., etc., etc,..START MY BLOG...and so here we are!

I have never been a big fan of personal blogs, I often feel that people are a bit too self-absorbed and don't nearly go deep enough for it to be really personal(sometimes for good reason).  This blog will correct both of those issues as 1) I've been knocked down enough in this world to truly know it's not all about me and 2) Being completely honest with total strangers is one of my many character flaws.

I am single, but I wouldn't say I am loving it or loathing it, I am just taking it is at is.  Yes, I went through that whole "Oh my God, I'm not married, why won't anyone love me!" phase and glad to say I came out of it(although sometimes I regress). I also went through the "I don't need no man for nothing!" phase(really glad to be out of that one!)  At this point in my life, I have learned that the only thing in this world I can truly control is me.  Through all my relationships, the one constant has been me.  So I decided if I could really take a journey and figure out that constant, I could be prepared for all the other variables...So here we go!

Before we begin this journey, let's set some Ground Rules:
1)  This is not your typical "Go on girl", "Waiting to Exhale", "insert your favorite Tyler Perry movie" blog.  I am not against any of these, it's just that my experiences are much more complex than any of these characters.
2)  This blog will not make blanket generalities such as "Black Men do..." , "All men are...".  I am going to tell you about my own personal experiences and hopefully you can identify.  There are two sides to every story and I plan to examine both sides.
3)  This blog is going to be very, very candid in the hopes that I can get some very candid feedback.  So if you're not ready to be real, this blog may not be for you.

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